Ganesh Janm, the celebration of Lord Ganesha's birth, is a cherished event at Shreemant Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati Temple. Devotees come together to commemorate the birth of the beloved deity with elaborate decorations and heartfelt prayers. The Janm or the birth takes place in a golden crib where Lord Ganesha’s idol is placed in the crib and devotional songs are sung to mark the celebration. Abhiskeh of fruit pulp is then performed on the idol. Other programs organized at the temple during this event includes Swarabhishek that elate the temple’s atmosphere with devotional songs and music dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Devotees and visitors immerse themselves in devotional rituals like Brahmanspati Sukt Abhishek and Ganesh Yag that elevate their connection with the divine. The event showcases the temple's dedication to nurturing devotion and spreading joy while celebrating the divine presence of Lord Ganesha.